Top 5 Books of the Year (FFF Day 6)

Aaaahh!!! The very last of the Five Fall Favorites posts for this year…

Today we’re doing my five favorite books I’ve read this year. This was…definitely pretty hard to come up with and narrow it down for, but I decided to (try) not to overthink it and just go with the first ones that came to mind. Here you are, in no particular order.

1. Lighten Our Darkness by Sarah Brazytis

This one…this one. I thought I loved Dunstan by Sarah Brazytis, but this was entirely different. I don’t know if I knew entirely what I was getting into, besides, I knew multiple friends who really loved it and had said I needed to read it and when it went on sale I knew I was ready to snatch it up and read it.

I loved the look at everyday life in Britain during WWII. I thought the perspective on the Polish pilots was super interesting and unique. I liked that the characters were vivid and that the book was well-written and well-done. But mostly I loved it because it was soo sweet and beautiful and priceless and unique.

2. Dewdrops and Butterflies by Libby May

I love this one. I originally read this one when I had a KU trial, but…well, it may sound weird, but I missed it so I went ahead and bought it because I wanted to read it again. Originally, the first time I read this, I had no idea what it was about. I was nearing the end of my KU trial and had just started reading it since and figured if it hooked me in a few minutes I’d keep reading, if not I’d find something else.

But it seriously didn’t just hook me…I love this book so much. It blew me out of the water from the beginning, and now it just has its own special hold on my heart. It’s just so raw and…utterly beautiful.

3. KEY by Madisyn Carlin

I read a lot of Madisyn Carlin’s book this year, so I had a lot of trouble narrowing it down to this one. I think a lot of the themes and the struggles of the characters hit home, and this was just a very well-written beautiful, real-feeling story. It’s saying something that I didn’t even like one of the main characters all that much (and most people would, I just didn’t), and it still makes it onto my top five books of this entire year that I’ve read. I love this book. These characters, this series…it’s where it’s at. You gotta read it.

4. Wherever He Leads by Rebekah Morris

This is another one of my favorites I’ve read so far. It was a relatable, sweet story and while I can’t quite put my finger on why I feel like it needs to be up here in the top 5 favorites, it…does. It was a very Rebekah Morris story. A little slow, filled with truth, wrapped up well. One of my favorite Rebekah Morris stories, too, I think.

5. This Life of Mine by Victoria Lynn

When I read the first book in this series, Once I Knew, I liked it fine but it wasn’t so much my thing, and the parts where the plot was mostly romance I was mostly bored. This one was a little different. It was more raw, more tangible, more subtly beautiful. I liked the real, mostly relatable characters in Once I Knew, but for the characters in this book…I needed to know their story, not just from the beginning but for the whole book. The emotions, the stories each character wove into the book weren’t just relatable, but they felt real and completely authentic and raw, in all their brokenness and hurt and doubts, but also in their joy and healing. My heart hurt and then healed with the characters for this one. It was good. (Even if I thought the wolf was weird at first.)

And there we have it…my last post for Five Fall Favorites this year! Make sure to check out the host blog to read about Kate’s favorite books of this year! 😁

What’ve been your favorite books this year? Did you have a favorite category of fall favorites you enjoyed the most?